

We offer both in-person and virtual appointments for your convenience. Virtual appointments, also known as telehealth, are secure and HIPAA compliant. Phone appointments are also an option for established patients. Telehealth sessions are available in Texas and all PSYPACT participating states.

To join a telehealth session, you will need a private space at home, a reliable internet connection, and a computer or tablet. Before starting, you’ll need to complete some online paperwork.

If you have any questions about how telehealth works, feel free to call us at 281-944-5588. You can also schedule a brief telehealth appointment to try it out.

Schedule Appointment

4501 Cartwright Road, Ste 103
Missouri City, TX 77459

(281) 944-5588

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Please do not share confidential information online. This form is not secure. You may wish to simply enter some good times to call you, and I will get back to you within 24 hours. I look forward to talking with you soon!
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