School Phobia/Refusal

School Phobia/Refusal

If a child or adolescent is missing too much school, parents are encouraged to act quickly to prevent more serious problems. If a student is missing school or a specific class at least two days per week on average (40%), then they are at high risk of developing life long difficulties..  

School refusal behavior is one of the most common childhood problems (Kearney, 2008). Too many absences in elementary school can delay necessary skills for friendships and academic success. Some students struggle with poor attendance year after year, resulting in inadequate preparation for the demands of middle school. Due to excessive absences, they miss opportunities to develop skills in social, emotional, behavioral and academic areas, and eventually they trail behind their peers. In high school, excessive absences can lead to long-term academic failure, social isolation, conflict at home, school dropouts, and even occupational problems and marital problems in adulthood. Thus, excessive absences may be a warning sign of a current or future crisis in a student’s life, including the ability to complete school.

To learn more, my blog is continued here: 

Social Anxiety and School Refusal – Part 1

Social Anxiety and School Refusal – Part 2

4501 Cartwright Road, Ste 103
Missouri City, TX 77459

(281) 944-5588

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